Welcome to Travelor!
The Social Revolution in the world of travel
Join our entrepreneur community and start earning today!
Who are we?
Travelor is the first company in the world established by a group of driven entrepreneurs, who are spearheading a revolution in the tourism world. When a group of people join together, there’s no limit to what can be achieved! It’s called SOCIAL POWER. With our social power we build an international leading brand, and share the profits from every deal sold on Travelor website.
Our Goal
Significantly reduce vacation prices worldwide.
Creating substantial income and economic welfare to all Travelor agents.
The way to achieve it
Promote 1 brand together and share the profits.
To become a leading international brand, we need to focus in 2 major elements:
Build a brand: Marketing, advertising and promoting Travelor worldwide.
Attractive prices: To acquire the best prices!
How we do it?
Branding Travelor
One of the most important things we need in order to become a leading brand is to create trust between Travelor company and its customers. The way doing it is by right advertising and branding of Travelor. Right branding creates reliability in front of the customers, feeling secured booking their vacation with us. Travelor is using the massive budget it gets from the monthly contribution of each agent to promote and brand Travelor, therefore, increasing the agents profits!
Attractive Prices
Together as a group, we have massive buying power! This is how we get the most attractive prices. Moreover, our social power allow us to work with minimum operational expenses, giving us a huge advantage against our competitors. We roll the savings back to our customers, ensuring the most affordable price for their vacation! Travelor already have thousands of satisfied customers around the world. Today, Travelor website already holds the most attractive prices in the market, ensuring the best prices possible.
Promoting Travelor
The way promoting Travelor lies in our social power. Social power is the strongest power in the world! We promote Travelor website in every search engine and in every language. Therefore, for every search for hotel or destination anywhere in the world, Travelor will appear on the first results! Doing this will certainly keep our sales growing significantly. Travelor agents also promote Travelor on social media, so we reach every person in the world! And all of this is happening for free! Using our social power.
These days, anyone can join the opportunity Travelor provides and enjoy Travelor success. But know this! Travelor limits the amount of agents approved to join, with the purpose of ensuring the profitability of all agents. When Travelor won’t need more social power to grow, the opportunity will end! If you want to lead the revolution together with us, if you understand the huge financial opportunity being offered, hurry to join us today.
How is Travelor obtaining the best prices?
Travelor works directly with the hotels and is connected to hundreds of suppliers around the world, from the biggest ones to the smallest ones. Our search engine compares the prices we recieve and offer the best deal to the customer. And so Travelor commits to always obtain the best price for the customer.
Some of our partners
How do I earn ?
Get commission for every sale on Travelor site!
Every agent starts earning immediately from every sale being made on Travelor website, even if he didn’t sell anything himself! Travelor share up to 80% of the profit of every deal to all Travelor agents. Our goal is to unite all Travelor agents to work together for Travelor success, so everyone are profiting from it!

Commissions for personal sales
Every Travelor agent gets a personal link to Travelor website. You can make reservations to your customers using your personal link, or promote it on the internet and get commissions for every sale. You get 80% of the profit for every deal sold! Travelor provides full tutorials, tools and personal support to encourage you succeeding in making sales.
Commissions for referring new agents
Travelor goal is to become a leading brand worldwide with the help of Travelor social power. To achieve this goal, Travelor needs big enough social power to promote the brand around the world. For every new agent that joins by you, you will get $50 one-time commission. For managing a team management you will get $50 fixed monthly commission for every agent on your team. This to encourage your support in their success!

Tales from our Members
A peek to what can be achieved with Social Power
Travel Faires
Billboard Campaigns
TV News 24
Company Event
Join our Success!
Get your immediate access to your new business!
Join as an Agent
Special Discount!150$ Monthly Payment
- 5% Profit from every Booking
- 80% from Additional Commission option
- Customer Management System
- Personalized Design
Join as an Agency
Private Label!150$ Monthly Payment
- 8% Profit from every Booking
- 95% from Additional Commission option
- Customer Management System
- Personalized Design - logo & color
Join our Success!
Have a question? We are here to answer!
The profit from each sale fluctuates between 5% to 10% of the total sale. For example, if I sold a vacation package worth 5000$, my earning would be between 250—500$.
There are three main ways to earn money as a Travelor member:
- Direct Tourism Marketing-
The minute you join Travelor, you immediately receive your very own travel website, under the Travelor label. It looks exactly like the main Travelor website, and it contains your own personal link. We will teach you how to advertise your personal link on the internet in over 35 languages (no knowledge of other languages is required). For every customer who buys travel products through your link, you receive 5-10% of the profit from that sale. For example, if a customer buys a travel package for 5000$ through your link, you will come away with 250-500$.
- Business Profit Percentage (Passive Income)
Each and every Travelor member invests time and energy in promoting and marketing our website, by way of website promotion and network marketing. In return, Travelor rewards its members with 80% of the business’ profit. Our business’ profit is growing month by month; As Travelor’s international label grows and succeeds, our profit grows in turn. The percentage of profit changes in accordance with the level you reach as a Travelor member; 50% is distributed among all of Travelor’s ‘basic’ members, and up to 80% for our more active members, who help the business grow and expand, whether it is through tourism marketing, or worldwide business expansion.
- Worldwide Business Expansion
This avenue of earning potential is temporary and limited! The secret of Travelor’s success is in its social power. If one person alone advertises and markets a business, it will never turn into a big, successful international label. Travelor realizes this, but we limit our membership, so as to ensure lucrative profits for its members. Travelor rewards its members with 50$ monthly reward for every new member they recruit. For example, if you recruit 10 new members, your monthly reward for that alone will be about 500$; a reward which recognizes your efforts in helping our business to grow and expand.
Money transfers differ from country to country. In some countries it gets deposited directly to your bank account, and in others it gets deposited through a Paypal business account.
The amount of members is limited, in order to ensure a significant profit for all members. Otherwise, the profit would get watered down between too many members, and the incentive per member would dissipate.
The answer to this question differs from person to person. For a Travelor member who wants to aid in the success of Travelor, whether it’s writing articles, or advertising, about an hour a day is sufficient.
Writing articles (taught by Travelor) on a weekly basis, which aid in advancing our website. It is important to note that any member who fail to do this, will lose their membership with Travelor.
Articles should be between 350-500 words, which takes an average of an hour to write.
As soon as you join Travelor, you will learn the basic tools needed to succeed, and you will also begin to get exposed to various other tools and training on a weekly basis. On your first day as a Travelor member, you will receive simple and basic training which will teach you how to start working and earning money immediately.
This can be achieved by volume of sales you achieve through your personal Travelor website, as well as amount of new Travelor members your recruit.
As soon as you join, you start sharing in the company’s profits!
Absolutely. When you sign up as Travelor member, you are asked to read the membership agreement carefully before signing.
You can leave Travelor whenever you wish. We just require 14-day’s notice in an email to Travelor.
No! You are under no obligation to sell any travel products. However, remember that you profit from any travel product you do sell, and you also grow the company’s success, which translates into your monthly (passive) income.
No! You are under no obligation to recruit new members. But remember, only through strong social power, can we enjoy big success.
Hi, my name is . I would be happy to help in any question you might have.
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